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Onafhankelijk Diemen wijst op de kaart aan waar drinkwater tappunten geplaatst kunnen worden. Deze kaart is aangeboden bij de Wethouder

Jan Sikking (group chairman) of Onafhankelijk Diemen points out on the map where more than ten drinking water taps can be placed. This map was presented to the alderman. Drinking water taps could be placed especially on walking routes, playgrounds and sports places.

Photo: Trudy Kroese

Together strong for your future

Here you will find all full texts on the topics:

  • How accurate is your WOZ determination
  • Independent Diemen wants a Hospice in Diemen
  • No windmills in Diemen?
  • Diemen first Diwali Festival 2024
  • A new swimming pool at Sportpark Spoorzicht

In 2024 the WOZ assessment will once again fall on the doormat. We the Party: Independent Diemen has conducted a study and will come to the council with a WOZ report. In the general considerations for 2024, party chairman Jan Sikking spoke about the WOZ:
From the general considerations for the 2024 budget by the Independent Party Diemen
The problem is that the WOZ determination is an inaccurate annual exercise conducted by an uninvolved organization.

The solution:
– Recalibrate the data sources and update them with the correct data.
– Increase the involvement of implementers with the Municipality of Diemen.

We have doubts about the accuracy and transparency of the WOZ determinations.
The Independent Party Diemen wants to put a dot on the horizon leading to an accurate WOZ determination. A total of 873 complaints have been received this year. Written questions from the Independent Party Diemen revealed that zero valuations were performed by the WOZ officials. If photos, drawings and dates are incorrect, homes are compared like apples to oranges, many more objections will continue to come in.
However, if one wants to know more about the WOZ determination or object to a WOZ value, it turns out that the system behind it does not really provide openness. One has the feeling of running into a wall of government power. We have done a study and want to address this with the council.

“General Considerations”

OnPD tabled motions:
M12 A hospiece in Diemen (unanimously adopted 21)
M13 Continuation of support impulse (rejected)
M14 Motion Well covers (rejected)
M15 Parking fees shared cars in Diemen (retained)

Motions co-signed and submitted:
M3 Power and quality projects (rejected)
M4 More flex housing in Diemen for middle groups (rejected)
M8 No increase in rates for paid parking
M16 A plan for the Duran

Motions agreed to:
M7 Understandable language (adopted)
M11 Participation in all new construction projects
M17 Further reduce non-use

Onafhankelijk Diemen list 7

As a resident also expads, exercise your right to vote!

Choose for an independent and autonomous Diemen
– Approachable people who stand up for your village.
– Participate in the Independent Diemen group.
– Short lines of communication with residents.

Our History

The topics that the Diemen Independent Party has been fighting for since its inception, such as more attention to safety, maintaining the village character, the desire for a secondary school, public transport and affordable housing are now being adopted by many parties in the election programs. That is of course a win, but Independent Party Diemen would have preferred that these points had been tackled in a creative and tenacious way in the past years.

As a party, we stand for a municipality in which there is room for everyone. A municipality in which the citizens determine the direction. Diemen has welcomed many new residents over the past twenty years. We hope that all Diemen residents can find a new identity together, which is stronger than Diemen has ever been. Liveability and social cohesion cannot exist without each other.

Our vision

The task that the Independent Party Diemen sets itself is simple: to make and keep Diemen as livable as possible. That is an obligation, because every year a substantial amount of money goes from the citizen to the municipality of Diemen. The citizens of Diemen finance the municipality in this way and can expect quality in return for their money. The Independent Party Diemen will monitor the quality and the returns of the expenditure. A local party must form the basis of the municipal council. The old-fashioned struggle between left and right from the sixties is still around in Diemen. Local topics are pushed out of the news by national squabbles. There is only one interest for the Independent Party Diemen: that of the citizens of Diemen.

Become a member

Membership is € 15.00 per year.
The group regularly consults with members to express their views in Council meetings


Flex homes

Diemen's young people and starters will once ...

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