Is Diemen full or is there still room for social housing?

Is there room for urban densification in Diemen?
Urban densification means building high-rise apartments in existing residential areas. This results in a greater burden on the roads, more parking pressure and displacement of greenery and recreation in the neighborhood. These are just a few reasons why the Onafhankelijke Partij Diemen is against urban densification in our village.
The current coalition of GroenLinks, D’66 and PvdA have given permission for a flat to be built in Buitenlust on a sports field. The Onafhankelijke Partij Diemen does not think this is a good decision to build on a postage stamp area in a fully developed neighbourhood.
Incidentally, we are not against social housing in Diemen, because the housing shortage is very high. With the construction of Sniep, Holland Park and soon Bergwijk Park we have already contributed a large stone to the housing stock. Diemen is in the top three fastest growing municipalities in the Netherlands. If we have to build on top of the already planned 1048 homes, we prefer social housing and medium rent. But where?
Where could we still build?
Our village is almost completely built up. However, the Onafhankelijke Partij Diemen sees possibilities in six places in Diemen. Places that have not yet been discussed in the council for social housing.
- The vacant parking lot enclosed by the Wisselwerking and the Lepelaarpad. An eminently suitable site for the construction of a residential apartment, rather than a flat at Biesbosch
- At the bend of the Ajax path (Mariaweg and Oosterringdijk) Against the railroad there is room for new construction.
- Lowering Gooische Weg. If the plans of Amsterdam go ahead to excavate the Gooische Weg, a lot of space will be freed up to build residential areas. There are plans to turn the Gooische Weg into a sort of broad Churchill Avenue.
The six locations mentioned still need to be further investigated if social housing is possible. Even before the study is started, it will first have to be examined whether there is support among local residents for new housing.
Practical matters, such as the (possible amendment of) zoning plans, must also be examined. Costs for preparing the site, presence of utilities and soil and environmental research.
- Center of Diemen corner Burg. Bickerstraat and Wilhelminaplantsoen
Social housing on the site of the Amro bank (which will be discontinued) and the property of broker de Jager which is vacant.
- On the railroad edges of Diemen at Park Spoorzicht. In the parking lot where the construction huts are now for the railroad underpass and at the other edge of Spoorzicht. These houses will have “Park Spoorzicht” as their garden. People and nature should be able to live together.
- The Railway Triangle. Not to be confused with the meadow triangle near the Diemerbos. The municipality does not consider the Railway Triangle, enclosed by three railroad lines, interesting enough to build 400 homes there. The Onafhankelijke Partij Diemen does see possibilities and will therefore argue for at least 40% social housing.