A standing rule for our councilors be:
Social & active

• Stay close to the people.
• Everyone is welcome.
• It is time for equality.
Stay close to the people
We prefer to talk to you, instead of making decisions about you. Whether you are a resident, entrepreneur, social organization or association. Together we keep Diemen livable.
Everyone is welcome
We are open to questions and comments. We are here for you and not the other way around. The door is always open at our meetings and we are easily accessible. We are happy to explain how we have made certain choices in the council.
It’s time for equality
Equality is a matter of course for us. Citizens should be well represented in the council of our municipality. It is often the national parties that are in charge in Diemen. It is time for a local party to participate in the decision-making process for the residents of Diemen.