The assignment to our party members of the Independent Party Diemen is:
Always be open and honest in the choices
We reverse decisions that have been overtaken by time or by advancing insight or we look for new possibilities.
Own initiative, connection and involvement are the cement of our village
We can only make Diemen liveable together with our residents. We encourage initiatives by residents, associations and companies. We like to explore new paths and look for imaginative solutions to the challenges ahead.
We support residents to take their own responsibility. And look for possibilities how we can realize the initiatives.
Together we make the difference
The human dimension and common sense are our top priority. We think it is important that regulation is prevented. That is why we come up with our own proposals and propose other solutions if we cannot agree with what is determined by the mayor and aldermen or other parties.
Committed and tenacious
We ensure that agreements made with the municipality and what is decided in the municipal council are complied with. We are driven to find solutions to difficult issues that will benefit our residents in the future.